Stafi - 360 Human Resources Solutions
Medyasoft presents the end-to-end Stafi-360 human resources solution with which you can undertake all operations related to your employees. You will be able to view and manage all information, documentation, leave of absences and salaries related to your employees from the day they start working for you and onwards.

Stafi is a human resources solution with which you can manage all processes related to your employees from candidacy right up to the time they leave. It provides end-to-end employee management.
Here are some features of Stafi:
- Calendar: Easily view leave of absence, training and business trip dates.
- Announcements: Add announcements with attachments such as images and video for only specific employees to see.
- My Team: Reach all detailed information about the team you are leading such as leave of absence, training, expenses, salaries and performance and edit them.
- Performance: Assign KPIs to your employees for certain periods. Rank and later report these KPIs in evaluation periods. Do this yourself as the manager or assign someone else to do it.
- Questionnaire: Create questionnaires for certain employees and view the results.
- Leave of Absence: Employees can view how much leave they have left, put in requests for leaves and print these requests.
- Inventory: Define all company inventory to the system, allocate items to employees and take them back.
- Expenses: Employees can create expense reports and print them.
- Trainings: Define trainings to the system, view them on the calendar and assign training to employees.
- Reports: Form all necessary reports about employees over the system and print them.
- Onboarding: Define what newly recruited personnel should do before they commence work and assign it to them.
- Content & Documents: Define over the system the information employees need to know about the company and add documents they might need.
- Succession: See what positions might be available and suitable in the event employees are promoted and who can fill their position.
- Recruitment: Create new recruitment requests, view suitable candidates from a pool and easily manage all recruitment stages via Stafi.