Yayınlanma Tarihi: 17.06.2019
5 of the 10 most valuable brands in Turkey is working with Medyasoft

Among our customers are the most valuable brands in Turkey:
- Türk Hava Yolları
- Garanti Bankası
- Türk Telekom
- Turkcell
- Ford Otosan
- Ülker Bisküvi
- Vakıfbank
- Opet
- Anadolu Efes
- Tofaş
- Do & Co
- Aselsan
- Şok
- Türk Traktör
- SuperFresh
- Albaraka Türk
- MLP Sağlık
- Carrefoursa
- Vakko
- Borsa İstanbul- BIST