Medyasoft has been continuing its in-company training courses to create awareness in its employees.

Within this framework, “Visual Communication and Aesthetics” trainings have been conducted in our corporation, in order to create awareness about the importance of scientific methods in visual communication and to use print productions more effectively with a proper connection methodology.
In the training courses given by the Art Director Mehmet Çınar;
- The noteworthy notions while using visual and written means of communication; such as presentations, correspondence, proposals, reports and e-mails,
- What a typefont is and how to choose it,
- Layouts, headlines, spots and contents,
- Visual and content equilibrium,
- Choosing the correct visuals and the criteria for it,
- The meanings of psychological, anthropological and sociological aspects in color selection,
- What a whitespace is
were discussed and participants were informed.
At the end of the training, appropriate and inappropriate visual communication examples were examined and a sample presentation about “Technology in the Future” was submitted in the workshop.
In the end of the workshop that was carried out in frame of learning outcomes, the participants shared their presentations interactively using a question-answer method and evaluated the effective means of visual communication. Every employee of ours has received this training.