We have completed our project in good cooperation with Kayseri Talas Municipality, which has a vision of being the architect of a planned, modern city with an improved quality of life achieved through the enhancement of its physical and social infrastructure, transformation of the historical texture and potential of universities into value, and the sophistication of human and social capital.
The need which formed the project was described by the Talas Municipality IT Team as such:
“Our corporate website was able to satisfy neither the technological needs nor our corporate vision. The requested integrations were not being implemented, and users faced great complications in mobile use. The responsibility of updating the website could not be divided equally, so the whole duty always fell on a single resource.”
We came together with the Talas Municipality in order to fulfill this need, and believed we can solve the problems with a design that is compatible with contemporary infrastructures and trends. We elaborated on all the issues pointed out by the team and obtained firsthand information. Talas Municipality summarized the effect of the hardships they encountered during this process and potential risks as follows:
“We were having problems with resource utilization, and even a trivial update was dependent on code. Since there wasn’t a proper sitemap, conveying information to the citizens was troubling, and even as system users, sometimes we had no idea where an information was available. Because a number of people carried out the coding process and it was constantly interfered with, complexity increased; and business continuity was broken. Due to the absence of a role-based content management system which supported our website, it was not possible to control the accuracy of who entered what information. The services and projects could not be announced in time to the citizens; and the interface didn’t reflect our corporate vision, lacking in quality.”
Talas Municipality believed they would prevent problems with Medyasoft Digital considering all these needs, and their website would attain a new vision. They described the reasons for choosing us as such:
“First of all, the visit of Volkan Taner and Sezen Çalışkan in Talas impressed us a lot. They told us every detail about Unigate. Their CMS infrastructure being just the way we wanted and the fact that we could discuss this face to face were the major reasons why we chose to work with Medyasoft Digital. Apart from that, considering our own criteria (coding, unique design, the requirement for all references to be responsive, CMS score, the company’s approach), Medyasoft digital got the best score.”
We started our project by analyzing the general framework of Talas Municipality’s former website in detail. Afterwards, we continued the design which would be aligned with Talas Municipality’s corporate identity and vision. All these steps were taken with the approval of Talas Municipality. Following the completion of the design work, the project was launched successfully after going through the coding, test and data transfer phases.
The number of views and active pages displayed increased with the renewed website. The new CMS infrastructure ensured a framework where content diversity is attained, new contents can be created quickly, and all content can be managed by the relevant units. As a result of this, the former issues with content entry and the time loss were prevented.
After the project, Talas Municipality briefly summarized the enhanced processes as below:
“We attained a web page which fully reflects our corporate identity. Separating authority and responsibility in the right manner allowed us to achieve justice in the division of labor. With our understanding of design, we can transmit the most accurate information in the fastest way possible. We have increased our means of communication as well as our feedback forms.”
We are very pleased to have provided Talas Municipality’s corporate website with a new look that fully meets its needs. We believe that, in this process, the biggest force behind our success is our teams working in synergy; and we would like to include what Talas Municipality had to say about the project:
“Having Medyasoft, one of Turkey’s leading software developers, renovate our corporate website in line with the vision of Talas Municipality and our mayor is not only a source of pride, but also a valuable experience for us. We thank all Medyasoft employees who have supported us since the beginning of the process.”